Thursday, 16 January 2020 00:00

Who is this Rıfat Serdaroğlu?

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ASSAM Vice President of Board of Directors Ersan Ergür published an article titled "Who is this Rıfat Serdaroğlu?" in response to Rıfat Serdaroğlu's indecent, immoral and disrespectful article.

I got an article yesterday. Actually, it cannot be an article anyway.

It is written in indecent, immoral and disrespectful way.

Maybe I am wrong. A perverted person can think of everyone around him as pervert as himself.

Maybe he has some childhood phobias as well. If we examine his childhood, maybe we can understand it but it does not seem possible because I do not know him.

He works like an army of slander under the name of journalism. He also gives the impression of being in the service of the western imperialists.

He is attacking General Adnan Tanrıverdi, military advisor of President Erdoğan and also President of the Board of Directors of ASSAM Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center. It's obvious he is attacking on behalf of and for whom!

He claims that General Adnan would abolish the State of the Republic of Turkey and establish a state called ASRICA (ASIA-AFRICA).

Did our President know about this issue or not?

Mr. Clever Rıfat attacked over the Islamic Union Congress organized for the third time by ASSAM, a civil initiative movement under the presidency of General Adnan.

This man must not be able to use the internet that works with lightning speed and can be reached easily, he does this with black propaganda tools that half-wrong information he heard.

It is normal for him to ruin everything actually. If he knows how to use the internet, he will access the ASSAM website and see what was discussed and what decisions were made at the congress.

In fact, he will realize that there is no attempt and work to establish a new state.

He will even learn that a state under the name of ASRICA will not be established instead of the Republic of Turkey.

He will even learn that the draft constitutional work he claimed was prepared at the Congress on December 19-20, was not prepared to replace our current constitution.

Is that all? Of course not. Perhaps if he reads carefully, he will also see that Turkey will not be divided into separate states. Even Mr. Clever Rıfat will understand that the state issue he mentioned is in the report on the solution process prepared in 2015.

Rıfat Serdaroğlu really asked General Adnan that “Are you blind?” Of course not. He is a soldier. Anyone who has no eyes like an eagle cannot enter War Academy. After this question, I remembered a short story.

Two blind men were eating cakes. One of them warns the other one. Do not eat two by two! The other is surprised. How did you know that? Because I eat two by two. Mr. Rıfat, what did you understand from this short story?

What else would Mr. Clever Rıfat understand, who lacks the understanding I mentioned above? Let's take a look at him together.

In fact, General Adnan;

is not aiming to destroy the state of the Republic of Turkey, but he aims at an Islamic Union, as in the European Union (EU), for a society that will live in peace, tranquility and security in its geography under his leadership.

Like the EU of which capital is Brussels, he aims at an Islamic Union of which capital is Istanbul.

He aims to establish ASRICA Common Defense Industry Production Centers by cooperating with the defense industry of the Islamic Geography, which has become a colony of the imperialists, selling natural energy resources to the west for ten and buying defense industry tools, equipment and materials for hundred and Islamic countries are trying these tools and weapons on each other.

He predicts that the official language of the Islamic Union will be Arabic, as is English, which is the official language of the EU.

He aims to focus on customs discounted trade among the Islamic Union countries, which are expected to be established, as well as the EU's duty-free commercial activities.

Instead of a society that lacks production and needs defense industry tools produced by others for defense, he aims at a union that produces defense industry tools, weapons and equipment in its own geography.

Two branches side by side need to send foreign currency to each other instead of the imperialist SWIFT, the Islamic Union envisages the establishment of a money transfer institution.

And thousands more assets are wanted by General Adnan and ASSAM.

So, who are the ones who do not want these? I could not hear you! Who?

The imperialist west; USA, England, France, Germany, Russia, China and others, right?

Evangelist Christians, Jews, and Zionists do not want it either, right?

And also Rıfat Serdaroğlu or not?

I really mean it, who is this Rıfat Serdaroğlu?


Ersan Ergür

 January 15, 2020

Read 1045 times Last modified on Monday, 01 March 2021 10:30