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Friday, 19 January 2018 00:00

State And President In Islam

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State, as known: is an organized form of political dominance belong to a human community within certain boundaries. Islamic States Presidents called as Khalifa, Imam, Emir’ul-Muminin, Ulu’l-Emr, Melik, Sultan and Padishah throughout the history. Islam is both a Religion and a State. It is the World and also Afterlife. Can not be separated from each other.

The state, as it is known: is an organized form of political dominance belonging to the human community within certain borders. İslâm Devlet başkanına, tarihi seyri içerisinde: “Halife, İmam, Emirulmüminin, Ululemre, Melik, Sultan, Padişah” denilmiştir.

Islam: it is both a RELIGION and a STATE. It is the WORLD and the HEREAFTER. It can't be separate. In our aqaid and fiqh books, the subject is summarized as follows:

والمسلمونَ لا بدَّ لهم من إمامٍ ليقومَ بتنفيذِ أحكامِهِم، وإقامَةِ حُدودِهِم، وسَدّ ثُغورِهِم، وتجهيزِ جيوشِهِم، وأخذِ صدقاتِهِم، وقهرِ المُتَغَلبَةِ والمُتلَصّصَةِ، وقطاعِ الطريقِ، وإقامَةِ الجُمَعِ والأعيادِ، وقطعِ المنازعاتِ الواقعةِ بينَ العبادِ، وقبولِ الشهاداتِ القائمةِ على الحقوقِ، وتزويجِ الصِّغَارِ والصَّغَائِرِ الذينَ لا أولياءَ لهم، وقِسمةِ الغنائمِ ونحوِ ذلك.

For Muslims: an Imam (head of state) is absolutely necessary to apply religious provisions, apply religious penalties, strengthen borders, equip soldiers, take Zakat, lead Friday and Eid prayers, solve cases that are Waqi among slaves, accept witnesses brought for rights, marry small boys and girls who have no guardians, divide the spoils and deal with other issues. In these and similar texts, the duties of the head of state were outlined. From here, it is also clear that the Islamic State is responsible for conducting both the world and the hereafter. Some considerations of the head of state are briefly stated as follows.

ثم ينبغي أن يكونَ الإمامُ ظاهرًا لا مُختفيًا ولا مُنتظرًا، ويكونَ من قريشٍ، ولا يجوزُ من غيرِهم، ولا يَختَصُّ ببني هاشمٍ وأولادِ عليٍّ رضي الله عنه، ولا يُشتَرَطُ في الإمامِ أن يكونَ معصومًا، ولا أن يكونَ أفضل من أهلِ زمانِهِ، ويُشتَرَطُ أن يكونَ من أهلِ الولايةِ المطلقةِ الكاملةِ، سائِسًا قادرًا على تنفيذِ الأحكامِ، وحفظِ حدودِ دارِ الإسلام، واستخلاصِ حَقّ المظلومِ من الظالمِ.

This Imam must be apparent, that is, he must be in the exposed. It should not be hidden or expected. Imam is from the Quraysh. It is not permissible to be from others. It is not reserved for the children of Beni Hashim and Hazrat Ali. (Refusing to Shia.). It is not necessary for the imam to be innocent. And it is not necessary for the people of his time to be the most virtuous. He must be competent in politics and administration, able to make religious provisions valid, protect the borders of the Islamic homeland and take the right of the oppressed from the oppressor. In short, he should know the administration of the country very well, understand the ways of reform and mischief, and have the power to implement religious provisions.

It is essential to pay the oath of allegiance to the legitimate head of state. Hz. Muawiyah (r.a) according to the rumour of The Prophet Hz. Muhammed(s.a.v):
من مات بغير إمام مات ميتة جاهلية
"A person who dies without paying allegiance to the imam in his lifetime is as if he dies with the death of the ignorant." he commands.

Obedience to the head of state is essential in all legitimate matters. Allah Ta'ala says:
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا أَطِيعُوا اللهَ وَأَطِيعُوا الرَّسُولَ وَأُولِي اْلأَمْرِ مِنْكُمْ فَإِنْ تَنَازَعْتُمْ فِي شَيْءٍ فَرُدُّوهُ إِلَى اللهِ وَالرَّسُولِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللهِ وَالْيَوْمِ اْلآخِرِ ذَلِكَ خَيْرٌ وَأَحْسَنُ تَأْوِيلاً
“O you who believe! Obey ALLAH. Obey the Prophet (s.a.v.) and the rulers, who are among you. If you disagree on something, if you really believe in ALLAH and the hereafter, take it to Allah almighty and his messenger, settle it according to their instructions.This is both beneficial and better in terms of result. " According to this verse, a true Muslim:

1- They obey ALLAH, do his orders, avoid his prohibitions.

2- They obey the Messenger of Allah (s.a.v.), they pay allegiance to him, they follow his sunnah in their lives, keep his orders and avoid his prohibitions.

3- They obey the rulers who are Muslims.

Ululemr: It means those who have the authority to give orders and those who are in this position, namely the chiefs and scholars.
“..."Obey the ruler who is one of you." According to the order, it is understood that they are certain persons and holders of authority, that they are chosen or appointed from those who are Muslims in terms of their belief and worldview, and obeying them in their legitimate orders, is Allah’s order and the necessity of religion. In short, a real true Muslim; obeys Allah Ta'ala, his messenger, the muslim people who administrate, as long as he adheres to religion and does not break boundaries.

Regarding obedience to the head of State, Irbaz bin Sariyah (R.a.) said:

Rasulullah (C.A.V.)  gave us a very effective advice. Because of this advice, hearts trembled, eyes wept.


- Ya Rasulullah! This advice sounds like the advice of someone about to leave, at least give us some advice, we said. Upon this:
أوصيكم بتقوى الله والسمع والطاعة وإن عبدا حبشيا فإنه من يعش منكم بعدي فسيرى اختلافا كثيرا فعليكم بسنتي وسنة الخلفاء المهديين الراشدين تمسكوا بها وعضوا عليها بالنواجذ وإياكم ومحدثات الأمور فإن كل محدثة بدعة وكل بدعة ضلالة

“I advise you to have taqwa, to listen and obey even an Ethiopian slave commanded. Those who survive after me and live a long life will see many conflicts. Then what is necessary for you is to embrace sunnahs of mine and Hulefâ-i Rashid, who is on the right track. Hold on to these sunnahs tightly. Avoid the bid'ahs that were revealed later. Because every bid'ah is devious, perverse. " said.

Obviously, Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.v.) gave them a very short, but really important advice at the request of the companions. The first thing he recommended was taqwa. Taqwa is a very broad term. In short, it means to fear Allah Ta'ala, to avoid sinning against ALLAH Ta'ala, to be extremely respectful of him, to hold on to everything that religion commands as great as its power, and to stay away from what it forbids. The Hazrat Muhammed (s.a.v) the second important issue after taqwa is to listen to and obey the emir, that is, the one who runs the state. Even if this ruler is someone who has come out of the lowest layer of society, poeples are obliged to obey him. As a matter of fact, in the Hadith-i Sharif it is said that “even if your head is Abyssinian slave obey him”, according to Islamic law, the emirate of slaves is not permissible. This is a hypothetical, an assumption. TO UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF OBEDIENCE, TO TEACH THE WAY TO BE PROTECTED FROM SEDITION, TO DRAW ATTENTION TO THE FACT THAT HEADLESSNESS IS A DISASTER. But listening to and obeying the head is not an absolute order in any case. Listening and obedience: only in matters that religion deems appropriate and legitimate. Hazrat Muhammed (s.a.v.) according to the rumour from Hazrat Ali (r.a):
لا طاعة لمخلوق في معصية الله عز و جل
“Where there is rebellion against Allah Ta'ala, the obedience of the creature will not be.” he said. Again, according to the rumor of Hazrat Ali (r.a.) The Hazrat Muhammed (s.a.v):

لا طاعة في معصية الله إنما الطاعة في المعروف

“There is no obedience to anyone in disobeying Allah Ta'ala. Obedience is only on legitimate issues.” he said.

According to the rumour from Hazrat Hasan (r.a.), The Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.v):

لا طاعة لمخلوق في معصية الخالق.

“In a place where there is rebellion against Khaliq, that is, ALLAH Ta'ala, there is no obedience to the creature.”

In another hadith rumoured from Abdullah b. Omar (R.A.) the Rasulullah (s.a.v):

على المرء والطاعة فيما أحب وكره إلا أن يؤمر بمعصية فإن أمر بمعصية فلا سمع ولا طاعة
"Muslims must listen and obey their superior in all matters that he likes or does not like. But if Allah Ta'ala is ordered to rebel, it is excluded! If a rebellion is commanded, there is no listening, nor obedience.” In short, the orders which are sinful given by rulers are not obeyed. Failure to follow such orders does not mean rebellion, it is passive strength. Because the opposite of obedience is not always rebellion. IT WAS NOT PERMISSIBLE TO REBEL AGAINST THE RULERS AND DECLARE WAR ON THEM BECAUSE OF THEIR SINFUL COMMANDMENTS. Allah Ta'ala's orders continue to be followed and patient is subjected to the cruelty of the wrongdoer. Ahmed b. Hanbel, Imam-i Azam Abu Hanifa, Imam Shafi'i, such as elders risked persecution, torture and even execution, but did not think to encourage people to revolt.

Because in rebellion, society is dragged into sedition and subjected to greater calamities. Islam resorts to every path that is considered legitimate to prevent and eliminate sedition. ALLAH Ta'ala:

“وَالْفِتْنَةُ أَشَدُّ مِنَ الْقَتْلِ = ... Sedition is worse than murder...”
“وَالْفِتْنَةُ أَكْبَرُ مِنَ الْقَتْل = ... By saying that "Sedition is a greater sin than murder." It is declared that sedition is a greater sin than manslaughter.

If it is a condition to obey an order, the head of state, it is not his lineage. The requirement here is whether the Emir acts in accordance with Islam. Whether the ruler is just or cruel, it is considered whether his orders are Islamic. It is not decided according to one's own state and way of life. Because as long as his condition remains secret, it concerns his own person.

Read 1341 times Last modified on Tuesday, 04 May 2021 12:52