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Tuesday, 08 December 2020 11:44

Who Rules The Seas, Rules The World

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Retired Colonel Ersan Ergür, Vice President of ASSAM, who penned the first “aircraft carrier” work in Turkey, said: “Chief Admiral Hayreddin Barbarossa, who turned the Mediterranean into a Lake, "Who rules the seas, rules the world." This strategy is still valid.…
Tuesday, 08 December 2020 10:20

A Strategic Overview of the Sahel Region

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Coastal or Coastal Zone (Arabic ﺳﺎﺣل, sāḥil, semi-arid Sahara are savannahs of tropical and subtropical grasslands and shrubs on the border or lands. The Sahel extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Red Sea in the east; The…
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Nowadays, the media keeps making news about drafting a constitution with the names of the IP (Iyi Party), CHP (Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi/Republican People's Party), SP (Saadet Partisi) and HDP (Halkların Demokratik Partisi/Peoples' Democratic Party). Even the Azerbaijan-Armenia victory was overshadowed. This…
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The "Science / Scientific Epistemology" reshaped and defined in the triangle of "Renaissance - Reform - Enlightenment" in the 1600-1700's; We are not aware of the gaps and contradictions between our "knowledge of belief" and the "imagination of the universe" that…
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In a process that we describe as "Shari-political reasoning", different power centers observe the state's progress, the state of affairs, which usually starts with the finding of an alternative to the sultan who has been dismissed due to legal or other…
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Islamic Government: It is a magnificent system in which believing, virtuous and competent people who will come to rule by way of elections will rule for a period of time to be determined in the light of revelation, common wisdom and…
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Osmanlı Devlet-i Alisini anlamakta en çok zorlandığımız nokta bugün 40’a yakın ülkeye düşen topraklarda sayısız halk, din, mezhep, iktidar arzusu, düşmanlık, ekonomik çatışmaya karşın yüzyıllarca bu bölgelerde sömürge imparatorluğu ve talan olmaksızın hangi tekniklerle huzur ve refah oluşturabilmiş olduğudur.
Wednesday, 28 October 2020 09:30

Total Spiritual Resurrection Move

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The historic speech made by our President at the opening ceremony of Ibn Haldun University makes it compulsory to bring our “Spiritual Resurrection Move” proposal to the agenda again, which we made two months ago in this column. Some quotes from…
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Where is the final destination in human history, where there seems to be a movement from small towns to villages, cities, states and supra-state sovereignty? Groups, communities, societies, states and most importantly individuals; In what position will they be in this…
Monday, 26 October 2020 10:07

"Islamic State" Game

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With the emergence of DAESH, the language used by the dominant demonic order in the world is not only used to justify attacks and massacres, invasions and violations, but also to paralyze the thought of the Islamic world.