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19-20 Aralık 2019 Tarihlerinde yapılan, ASRİKA Ortak Savunma Sanayi Üretimi konulu 3. Uluslararası ASSAM İslam Birliği Kongresi'nde ASSAM Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Adnan Tanrıverdi tarafından yapılan açılış konuşması tam metni
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Islamic geography has been placed under a systematic terror siege. Especially in the last quarter of century, subcontractor terrorist fronts were deployed one after another. Different sects and races came to attack each other. Muslims whose goals and integrity are being…
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The 3rd ASSAM Islamic Union Congress was held in Istanbul on December 19-20, 2019 under the leadership of President of ASSAM Adnan TANRIVERDİ.
Monday, 06 January 2020 00:00


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 Yüce Allah, şöyle buyuruyor: Bismillahirrahmanirrahim “Hayır, Allah'ın nizamı onların sandığı gibi değildir! Doğuların ve batıların Rabbine yemin ederim ki, biz onların yerine kendilerinden daha hayırlı insanlar getirmeye kadiriz. Bizim elimizden kurtulan, gücümüzün yetmediği hiçbir şey yoktur.” (Mearic, 70/40-41). “Eğer topyekûn seferber…
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Nowadays Libya occupies our agenda mostly... ASSAM Strategy and Security Specialist Ali Coşar, by explaining the importance of Turkey's soldier deployment resolution and continental shelf agreement, said, “The security of the country starts outside our borders. The Turkish opposition parties, who…
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Commentating on why Turkey should send troops to Libya, ASSAM Security and Strategy Specialist Ersan Ergur told Akit Newspaper, “Turkey does not go there to fight and shed blood. Turkey is going there to protect the UN-recognised government from terrorist attacks.”
Friday, 03 January 2020 00:00

Should Islamic Countries Unite?

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In recent days, ASSAM Congress series is the basis of the "Mahdi" debate, which has been criticized and subsequently denied, allegedly the statements of Adnan Tanrıverdi the Chief Advisor of the President. The main purpose of this congress series is to…
Friday, 03 January 2020 00:00

Agenda of Chief Advisor

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Some started to attack again. They falsify what he says and produce new lies in their minds by making the headline "The agenda of the Chief Advisor of President is Mahdi".
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19-20 Aralık 2019 Tarihlerinde yapılan, ASRİKA Ortak Savunma Sanayi Üretimi konulu 3. Uluslararası ASSAM İslam Birliği Kongresi'nde ASSAM Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Adnan Tanrıverdi tarafından yapılan açılış konuşması
Monday, 30 December 2019 00:00

The Islamic World Greets Each Other

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The Asia-Africa (ASRICA) congress was held in a hotel in Istanbul between 19-20 December. The congress focused on the belief that the Islamic world, which is located between the ends of the Asian-African continents, can unite its power and be freed…