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Monday, 08 June 2020 00:00


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ASRICA! The new name of ASIA and AFRICA, who still could not see good days after the Ottoman Empire. The orphaned land that has been crushed under the colonial west countries for the last century and still Ottoman Flag waves in…
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Omar al-Mukhtar; the most memorable leader in Libya's recent history imprinted on the memories. He is the "Desert Lion", who has become the symbol of the relentless struggle against the Italian soldiers in Libya, which they conquered with a fait accompli,…
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QUESTION-1; Judging by the recent developments in Libya, especially the Government of National Accord Forces training (with the support of Ankara), Russia's air support to Haftar and Turkey's warnings in order to prevent possible attack on its soldiers. How do you…
Thursday, 21 May 2020 00:00

Who is Responsible for the Chaos in Libya?

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The head of the chaos in Libya is NATO; its body is ISRAEL, RUSSIA, FRANCE; its feet is UAE, EGYPT and SAUDI ARABIA. So, the solution must be provided without these countries. Joint action with NATO in Libya would not be…
Tuesday, 19 May 2020 00:00

Cihat Yaycı is a Pioneer

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We keep saying that "the Mediterranean was once a Turkish Lake". For many years, this discourse has ringed in our ears as an empty concept.
Saturday, 16 May 2020 00:00

A Remarkable Memory in ASRICA (ASIA-AFRICA)!

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As you know, ASSAM held the 3rd International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress in Istanbul on 19-20 December 2019 with the main theme of ASRICA Joint Defense Industry Production. Compared to previous years, it was observed that there was a noticeable increase…
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DECLARATION OF THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE ISLAMIC UNION OF ASSAM GENERAL The aim of the International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress is to make determinations on the academic and political grounds related to current problems in Global politics especially in…
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A fuel tanker was trapped and exploded in Afrin the previous day. There are 40 dead and 47 wounded. How easy to say it, right? 40 dead and 47 wounded. The dead and wounded in the conflict areas in the Islamic…
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It is a famous story; Yellow Ox! A coyote herd is haunting the herd of oxen. Oxen are starting to get scared; coyotes are serious. However, oxen managed to resist altogether. Meanwhile, coyote attacks are tiring the oxen.
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Of the 193 States that are members of the United Nations Organization, 61 (31% of the number of members) are Muslim countries. 1.85 Billion of the World Population of 7.632 billion (24.1% of the World Population) is the people of Muslim…