Displaying items by tag: 28 Şubat

Thursday, 02 March 2023 17:26

28 Şubat Bildirisi


Darbeci zihniyet her darbe öncesinde oluş(turul)an “DURUMDAN-VAZİFE ÇIKARARAK” yönetime el koymuştur. Gerekçe değişse de sonuç hiç değişmemiş; darbeler emperyalistlerin ülkeye arzu ettiği istikamette yön vermesinden başka bir amaca hizmet etmemiştir.

Friday, 28 February 2020 00:00

İnsan Hakları Bağlamında 28 Şubat

Eski TBMM Başkanı İsmail Kahraman: - "Tarihte tam gelişiyorsunuz, grafik yükseliyor, bir darbe oluyor ve pat birden düşüyorsunuz. 27 Mayıs böyledir. 12 Mart böyledir. 12 Eylül böyledir. 27 Nisan böyledir. 28 Şubat böyledir" - Cumhurbaşkanı Başdanışmanı ve ASSAM Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Adnan Tanrıverdi: - "Başkanlık Sistemi başlı başına istikrar sağlaması bakımından, darbenin o üç temel sebebinden olan istikrarsızlık dönemi olmayacağından, çok önemli bir tedbir olarak bugün devlet yönetimimize girmiş durumdadır".

Tuesday, 04 February 2020 00:00

First to Turkish Justice, Then to Divine Justice

28 February Postmodern Coup

In the early 90s, the CIA-NATO gang convinced the Laicistic-Secular segment in Turkey that it was time to “ban all symbols that evoke Islam and stop Muslims from taking part in public offices” in the public opinion, as part of the Moderate Islam Project.[i]

Thus, they would hit two birds with one stone;

  1. The patriotic Muslim people would be isolated from the state administration in both politics and bureaucracy. Banning the Welfare Party… With the accusation of reactionarism and dismissal from civil service without trial, very serious injustices were committed until the early 2000s.
  2. FETO, which has been prepared by the CIA since the 70s, would be provided with the opportunity to settle in cadres in all fields (especially the Muslim section expelled from the public sphere), especially in the Armed Forces, Police Force, National Intelligence Organization, Judiciary and National Education. Collaborating with the Laicistic-Secular segment, FETO skillfully placed its own members in the vacancies of those dismissed under the label of reactionarism.

While the postmodern coup, briefly known as 28 February, caused serious traumas to the religious people, it did not take long for the Laicistic-Secular people to wake up from the euphoria of victory. They started to be evicted from the Turkish Armed Forces by FETO with trials such as Sledgehammer and Ergenekon. In other words, the snake they had grown started to bite them too.

The Laicistic-Secular community, which has always been hostile to religion and religious people, has never been able to realize that the religious people, who constitute the majority of the citizens of the Republic of Turkey, do not have enmity towards them.

[i] http://fetogercekleri.com/ust-akil/

The 3rd ASSAM Islamic Union Congress was held in Istanbul on December 19-20, 2019 under the leadership of President of ASSAM Adnan TANRIVERDİ.

Thursday, 25 February 2016 00:00

You will not be able to find a job!

SEMRA ORKAN - Adnan Tanrıverdi who is the President of the Board of Directors of the Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center (ASSAM), stated that praying in the barracks was prohibited during the 28 February process and that they were not given meal in order to prevent fasting; "These oppressions resulted in the discharge of 1,600 officers and non-commissioned officers out of the army".

Retired Brigadier General Tanrıverdi, who told the Anadolu Agency interviewer about his experiences during the 28 February process, stated that the incident that took place on February 28, 1997 was a memorandum given to the government, and said that it was held to eliminate the existence of believers in the state. 

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Thursday, 26 September 2013 00:00

ASSAM Başkanı Deşifre Programında (27 Eylül 2013)

ASSAM Başkanı E.Tuğg. Adnan TANRIVERDİ 27 Eylül 2013 Cuma günü 22:00'da aHaber'de yayınlanan Deşifre programına konuk olarak katılmaktadır.