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Commentating on why Turkey should send troops to Libya, ASSAM Security and Strategy Specialist Ersan Ergur told Akit Newspaper, “Turkey does not go there to fight and shed blood. Turkey is going there to protect the UN-recognised government from terrorist attacks.”

Nowadays Libya occupies our agenda mostly... ASSAM Strategy and Security Specialist Ali Coşar, by explaining the importance of Turkey's soldier deployment resolution and continental shelf agreement, said, “The security of the country starts outside our borders. The Turkish opposition parties, who does not understand this, unfortunately serves the enemy.”

Monday, 06 January 2020 00:00


 Yüce Allah, şöyle buyuruyor:


“Hayır, Allah'ın nizamı onların sandığı gibi değildir! Doğuların ve batıların Rabbine yemin ederim ki, biz onların yerine kendilerinden daha hayırlı insanlar getirmeye kadiriz. Bizim elimizden kurtulan, gücümüzün yetmediği hiçbir şey yoktur.” (Mearic, 70/40-41).

“Eğer topyekûn seferber olmazsanız, Allah sizi acı bir azaba uğratır ve sizin yerinize başka bir topluluk getirir de siz savaşa çıkmamakla Onun dinine zerrece zarar veremezsiniz. Çünkü Allah her şeye kadirdir.” (Tevbe, 9/39)

“Onları yaratan ve organlarını birbirine bağlayan ve onlara bu sağlam bünyeyi veren biziz. Dilediğimiz vakit elbette onların yerine başkalarını getirebiliriz.” (İnsan, 76/28)

Friday, 03 January 2020 00:00

Should Islamic Countries Unite?

In recent days, ASSAM Congress series is the basis of the "Mahdi" debate, which has been criticized and subsequently denied, allegedly the statements of Adnan Tanrıverdi the Chief Advisor of the President. The main purpose of this congress series is to provide cooperation between Islamic countries in economic, social, military and administrative fields.

Dear Members of our Visual, Audio and Written Media,

Some discourses and actions that have been turned into a smear campaign about myself and ASSAM “Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center” and SADAT “International Defense Consultancy Inc.”, of which I am the founder, based on the news and comments in our press that cause misunderstandings, are also heavily on the agenda in our press.

19-20 Aralık 2019 Tarihlerinde yapılan, ASRİKA Ortak Savunma Sanayi Üretimi konulu 3. Uluslararası ASSAM İslam Birliği Kongresi'nde ASSAM Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Adnan Tanrıverdi tarafından yapılan açılış konuşması
Monday, 30 December 2019 00:00

The Islamic World Greets Each Other

The Asia-Africa (ASRICA) congress was held in a hotel in Istanbul between 19-20 December. The congress focused on the belief that the Islamic world, which is located between the ends of the Asian-African continents, can unite its power and be freed from its current problems and lead a more peaceful and productive life.

Wednesday, 25 December 2019 00:00

I Have a Dream for Islamic Countries

ASSAM International Islamic Union Congresses, in which ASSAM President Adnan Tanrıverdi started the 3rd Congress by saying “I have a dream”, goes on with significant success. So, what is this dream of Mr. Adnan Tanrıverdi? We can say that these congresses held for the purpose of establishing the Islamic Union are the common dream of Mr. Adnan Tanrıverdi and the oppressed Islamic civilizations and geographies. 3 of the 7 planned congresses were held. It is expected that this initiative, which was taken with a lot of speakers and participants from Islamic countries, will shape the world. The most explanatory comment I can make for myself is that when I saw the atmosphere there, my hopes for the future of Islamic countries and the world grew...

ASSAM Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı ve Cumhurbaşkanı Başdanışmanı Emekli Tuğgeneral Adnan Tanrıverdi, ASSAM Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Yardımcısı ve Akit TV program yapımcısı ve sunucusu Sabri Balaman ile Savunma Ekonomisi Uzmanı Yakup Evirgen 3. Uluslararası ASSAM İslam Birliği Kongresinin anlam ve önemini Teknovia kanalına verdikleri röportajda anlattılar. 


Üsküdar Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Nevzat Tarhan ile ASSAM Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Yardımcısı Ersan Ergür 3. Uluslararası ASSAM İslam Birliği Kongresinin anlam ve önemini Teknovia kanalına verdikleri röportajda anlattılar. 


The 3rd International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress held in Istanbul under the main theme of “ASRICA Joint Defense Industry Production” has ended.

ASSAM President of Board of Directors Adnan Tanrıverdi said: "National interests cannot be protected with someone else's weapon."

Adaleti Savunanlar Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi Derneği (ASSAM) ve Üsküdar Üniversitesinin iş birliğiyle "ASRİKA Ortak Savunma Sanayi Üretimi" temasıyla İstanbul'da düzenlenen 3. Uluslararası ASSAM İslam Birliği Kongresi sona erdi.


ASSAM Association of Justice Defenders Strategic Studies Center will hold the third “INTERNATIONAL ASSAM ISLAMIC UNION CONGRESSES” on 19-20, DECEMBER 2019 in “Istanbul PULLMAN Hotel”.

The 3rd International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress will be implemented with the theme of "ASRICA (Asia-Africa) JOINT DEFENSE INDUSTRY PRODUCTION" under the main title of "Determination of Principles And Procedures of  Common Defense System for the Islamic Union".

Üsküdar University, Islamic World NGO’s Union (IDSB) and Association of Justice Defenders (ASDER) will actively support the 3rd International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress, which is the ASSAM Organization.

At the 3rd International ASSAM Islamic Union Congress, which will start with the Opening Session on Thursday, 19 December 2019 at 10:00; 58 academicians from seven countries will be presented in six sessions with two halls, under the Sub-Topics of the Congress Program below. The academic study of the Congress will be completed with the final evaluation session to be held before noon on December 20, 2019, and the CONGRESS will be closed at the end of the afternoon trip to BAYKAR MAKINA facilities.



3. Uluslararası ASSAM İslam Birliği Kongresi 19-20 Aralık 2019 tarihinde Pullman Istanbul Hotel & Convention Center'de “ASRİKA Ortak Savunma Sanayi Üretimi” ana teması altında yapılacaktır.