Tuesday, 18 May 2021 16:49


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The caliphate can be divided into four periods.

1-The period of Rashidun, which lasted 30 years (632-661).

2-The period of the Arab kingdom, which lasted 600 years (661-1258) and in which the caliphate became a reign passed from father to son.

3-The interregnum period which lasted approximately 300 years (1258-1517), in which the caliphs did not have political authority.

4-The period of the Ottoman Caliphate, which has been going on since 1517. 1

The book has been published by ASSAM "Mediterranean Issue: a Current Overview of the Eastern Mediterranean Issue" written by Ersan ERGÜR, Vice President of ASSAM.

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ASSAM-ASDER E-Seminerleri kapsamında Cumhurbaşkanı Başdanışmanı Sn. Yiğit Bulut'un konuşmacı olarak teşrif ettiği “Türkiye Faiz ve Döviz Sarmalından Nasıl Kurtulur?” konulu e-semineri, ZOOM üzerinden ASSAM Başkan Yardımcısı Sn. Ersan Ergür’ün moderatörlüğünde icra edilmiştir.

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ASSAM Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi (ASSAM - UHAD) 18. sayısı yayınlandı.

Assam Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi (ASSAM-UHAD) 18. sayısı 7 adet makale içermektedir. Makale listesi aşağıda yer almaktadır.

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"İstanbul Sözleşmesi'ne Assam Reddiyesi ve Feshine Destek Beyannamesi" için TIKLAYINIZ.

Thursday, 08 April 2021 12:43

A Classic by Yılmaz Özdil

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After graduating from the Turkish Military Academy in 1990, a force commander defending modern science in the modern world had published a text called "Who is Atatürk?". At every barracks he went to for inspection purposes, he would ask "Who is Atatürk?” all the personnel, from the rank of private to the battalion commander.

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“Islam has the vitality and potential to surpass modernity. As long as we do not fall into oblivion to be caught by the wind of globalization instead of envisioning and building. For this, it is inevitable for the Muslim world to develop an alternative way, a methodology, a project. "

If modernity were a renewal of consciousness and if it contained human moral values; Of course, we would not have objected to the thesis “It is not right to place religiosity and modernity on two opposite poles”. The phenomenon of modernity is basically based on the philosophy of individualism and autonomous reason. Autonomous reason implies that the thinking capacity of human beings reconstructs social, economic and cultural areas according to their own comprehension. In Islamic literature, reason is a thinking ability that separates man from animal and makes him the supreme being in the world.