Thursday, 02 February 2023 09:41

The Most Americanist CHP General Manager Ever

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The new understanding that emerged with the appointment of Kılıçdaroğlu to the administration in May 2010 brought the party to an Americanist and globalist basis like never before. The purpose of the tape conspiracy targeting Baykal was to bring about a change in the party, that is, to bring the Party hand in hand with the globalists.

The founding philosophy of our Republic is on the provision of ‘Our Independence and Future’.

With Kemalism, ‘secularism’ was made a fundamental element and everything was sacrificed for its sake.

I wrote earlier that the first great blow to our Independence and our future was delivered by the Hero (!) of the War of Independence, İnönü. With the 'Military and Economic Cooperation Agreement’ signed by İnönü with the USA, the foundation of the American mandate was laid in our country. It is a great betrayal that we were included in the law enacted in the US Congress and went down in history as the ‘Truman Doctrine’ and that this law was made a domestic law in our country.

What does that law and agreement say?

Article of “Since the Turkish and Greek Governments have urgently requested the necessary and other assistance from the United States Government to maintain their national integrity and existence as free nations...” put Türkiye under the control of the United States...

The problems we had with the USA at that time must have affected İnönü a lot because in a statement he gave to the Times magazine in 1963, he said, “A new world will be established, Turkey will take its place in that world”. But what he said was mirrored as if it were spoken against POTUS Johnson. However, this was not the truth and it was only understood after 1.5 years.

If we go further back to Lausanne, we will see that imperialism was actually waiting for İnönü's heedlessness. While the Lausanne negotiations were continuing in 1923, Lord Curzon, the British Chief Delegate and Minister of Foreign Affairs, said to İsmet Pasha, the Foreign Minister and Chief Delegate of the Ankara Government: “We have been negotiating for months. We cannot get any(!) of what we desire, you do not give any(!), you do not show any understanding. We are not satisfied with you(!). But whatever you reject, we pocket it. Your country is devastated. Tomorrow you will come to us, then we will take out each one of these things in our pocket one by one and give it back to you. You will accept what you rejected today on that day.

It is an interesting coincidence. In the month of July (1923) when the Treaty of Lausanne was signed, İnönü was signing the agreement that opened the gates to American sovereignty that would ignore the country... With this law, when POTUS Truman or others said to the Government of the Republic of Türkiye, “make legal arrangements on this matter as per the agreement” or “this law is against American interests”, we have become obliged to fulfill this request of the president.

The aid was not unconditional and the precondition was always to “watch over the American interests”.

We were also punished when we did not abide by the agreements.

Because paragraphs (a) and (b) of article 511 of the 1952 congressional act required this: “…no economic aid is provided to countries that for one reason or another avoid fulfilling their military commitments.” Or “No economic aid is given that does not serve to enhance the security of the United States.”

İnönü could only understand this trap long after it was too late...

In the face of the bindingness of these agreements, the National Chief could not do anything against the Greek atrocities that took place in Cyprus between 1963-1974. It was intended but lined up with the Johnson Letter. By 1974, the management of the CHP had changed and Ecevit became the General President and a coalition government was established with the late Erbakan. The Cyprus Peace Operation decision was made thanks to the self-confident leader, the late Erbakan.

The Cyprus Peace Operation is the first glower of the Republic of Türkiye against the West, despite the United States.

It is the saying “Enough is enough! It is not bearable anymore”.

The USA always blocked us when the Cyprus problem was going on. The embargo was imposed. They used military and economic aid as a deterrent. Our country has been tamed by both terrorism and economic depressions.

Do you think why?

At that time, Vice President of the USA, Zionist Jew Nelson Rockefeller was saying: “It is necessary to ensure political activity by seizing the key points of the economy, this is what America does”. The USA was really doing what Rockefeller said.

In those days, Türkiye could not receive support from the American AID, the IMF or the World Bank. Because Türkiye was out of the proposed policy. So, Türkiye should have been punished. The process of September 12 started quickly. The country was handed over to the coup-plotter agent they called “Our Boys”. Then, the political years with Özal, who was mentioned as “the most pro-American leader ever” in CIA records...

It is a fact that Türkiye dreamed of the American dream during the İnönü era and dreamed of a small America during the Menderes era, Türkiye knew that during Ecevit's period (in the 70's), even dreams could not be made with America, Türkiye came together against imperialism on February 28, and taught the whole world how to fight against imperialism on July 15. This process is always full of pain.

In the 70's, Ecevit's CHP was anti-imperialist and anti-American with its anti-American atmosphere in the country. Türkiye suffered a lot during his time. Moreover, Türkiye needed money more than ever. In fact, Türkiye was being punished. Terror and economic depression were the whip. We have experienced hunger amidst plenty. The reason is the conspiracies that America has set up in us as a result of us saying ‘no’ to the policies it imposes.

At that time, the note in Ecevit's CIA biography was written as “Neutral or moderately anti-Western”.

Today, under the leadership of GOEBBELS Kemal, the C.H.P. is the most Americanist party. He became the Party Leader with the conspiracy of the USA. He is doing non-national opposition as ordered by the USA. It is in close relations with terrorist organizations such as FETO, PKK, PYD, YPG and their political extensions, which have replaced the table-of-6. As such, the CHP is reciting Al-Fatihah to the spirit of ‘Our Independence and Future’.

He met with the shadow CIA ‘Center for American Progress’ and government officials who dethroned TRUMP, disappeared for 8 hours, bypassing the journalists he took with him on his trip to the United States...
It is even claimed that he met with FETO member Şerif Ali Tekalan. In his pursuit of permission, he says, “Oh, let's not get caught”. Like a parrot, he says “no” to anything useful about Türkiye's future. The government program announced by the table-of-6 is humiliating that can be imposed on the colonial countries. It reminds us of the times when America dictated in the 50s, disciplined in the 60s-70s, and even abused our weakness in the 80s-90s. Atatürk airport will be reopened, Kanal Istanbul will not be built, Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant will be reviewed, Türkiye Central Bank Istanbul Office will be closed, Presidential Palace will be moved to Çankaya, Price Stability Committee will be closed, Currency-Protected Deposit will be stopped, City Hospitals under construction will be stopped, Wealth Fund will be closed, New Thermal Power Plant will not be built.

Too numerous to be counted.

The table established by the USA can only do the task given by the USA.

As such, what do you think is written in Goebbels Kemal's CIA memo?

Let me tell you.
“The Most Americanist and the most mandatory CHP General Manager Ever”

That’s it… 

Read 148 times Last modified on Monday, 06 February 2023 15:20