

You can reach activities of ASSAM here...

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Our seminar will be broadcasted live on Wednesday November 22 at 20.00 (at local time in Türkiye) on Zoom and YouTube.

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Our seminar will be broadcasted live on Wednesday April 26 at 20.00 (at local time in Türkiye) on Zoom and YouTube.

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Our seminar will be broadcasted live on Wednesday March 29 at 22.00 (at local time in Turkey) on Zoom and YouTube.

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Our seminar will be broadcasted live on September 27 on Tuesday at 20.30 (at local time in Türkiye) on Zoom and YouTube.

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Our seminar will be broadcasted live on Saturday August 31 at 19.30 (at local time in Turkey) on Zoom and YouTube.

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Our seminar will be broadcasted live on Saturday, July 30 at 14.30 (at local time in Turkiye) on Zoom and YouTube.

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Our seminar will be broadcasted live on Thursday, June 30 at 20.00 (at local time in Turkiye) on Zoom and YouTube.

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Our seminar will be broadcasted live on Saturday, May 28 at 18.00 (at local time in Turkey) on Zoom and YouTube.

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Our seminar will be broadcast live on Saturday, March 26 at 14.30 (at local time in Turkey) on Zoom and YouTube.

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ASSAM-ASDER E-Seminerleri kapsamında Cumhurbaşkanı Başdanışmanı Sn. Yiğit Bulut'un konuşmacı olarak teşrif ettiği “Türkiye Faiz ve Döviz Sarmalından Nasıl Kurtulur?” konulu e-semineri, ZOOM üzerinden ASSAM Başkan Yardımcısı Sn. Ersan Ergür’ün moderatörlüğünde icra edilmiştir.