Displaying items by tag: malazgirt

Friday, 25 August 2023 16:49

26 AĞUSTOS 1071

Hz. Peygamber Muhammed (A.S.) Medine’ye miladi 622 yılında hicret eder. Hz. Eyyub-ul Ensari’ye misafir olur. Hz. Peygamber miladi 622 ye kadar 10 yılda İslam devletini kurar ve Arabistan yarım adasının tamamını devlet bünyesine alır. Bu arada der ki. “İstanbul fethedilecektir. Onu fetheden kumandan ne güzel kumandandır. Onu fetheden asker ne güzel askerdir.” (tevatür) Bu hadisi şerif elbet doğrudur ki, miladi 669 yılında Eyyub-ul Ensari’nin de yer aldığı İstanbul’u feth harekâtı başlar. O günün şartlarında İstanbul’un fethinin imkânsız olduğunu herkes kabul eder. Bu hareket Resul hadisini emir kabul edilişindendir.

Tuesday, 03 March 2020 00:00

Are you Mankurt? What are You Doing in Syria?

We always talk about Turkey, which is confined to its borders with the deception of Peace at Home, Peace in the World. We talk about Turkey, which accepts its neighbors as enemies and forms defense lines within its borders. Even the funniest part is that plans to create natural barriers by flooding dams and rivers.


[09 December 2014 – 16 Safar 1436 Tuesday]

Prof. Dr. Ramazan Ayvallı

M. U. Faculty of Theology Assistant Professor

There are very important victories in Turkish-Islamic history. The “Battle of Manzikert”, which took place on August 26, 1071, on the Manzikert Plain in Eastern Anatolia, between the forces of the Great Seljuk Sultan Alp Arslan and the Byzantine Emperor Romanos Diogenes, is one of the greatest victories in Turkish-Islamic history. This Seljuk-Byzantine War, which opened the gates of Anatolia to the Turks, is very important in terms of its religious, national, political and military results.

After the Victory of Manzikert, in just fifteen years, the whole of Anatolia's title deed passed into the control of the Turks. Within this regard, the Victory of Manzikert was a very important turning point in Turkish and history of the world.