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The Pope, leader of the Catholics, the largest group of Christianity, is on the verge of putting same-sex marriages in church teaching and blessing homosexuals.
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The Western world and Asia, have launched an attack on Muslims and Islam from all channels such as media, thought, attacks, political decisions, new laws, and arts. As Muslims, we are not aware of this.
Thursday, 15 October 2020 17:39

Let Man Live, Let The State Live

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Nizamülmülk Siyasetnamesinde bir devletin hangi vasıfları üzerinde toplarsa payidar olabileceğine dair uzunca izahlarda bulunur. O’nun hassaten üzerinde durduğu konu, devletten ziyade insan ve adalettir. Zira insan olmadan devlet kurulamaz, adalet olmazsa devlet yaşayamaz. Bu sebeple devlet için insana, devletin bekası içinse…
Friday, 11 September 2020 11:40

Situation Assessment in the Eastern Mediterranean

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Turkey's strategy in the Eastern Mediterranean is the SURVIVAL policy of the ancient TURKISH state, as well as the current government, which has national and domestic values. This policy must be maintained without any concessions, even if the government changes. Because…
Monday, 24 August 2020 00:00

After Friday 'Turkey’s Era' Begins

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Evaluating the "good news" of President Erdoğan in the newspaper Akit, experts said that Turkey's strong steps on the field have received the most important consequences and a new era will begin. Turkey's proactive strategy in the field, which has re-assumed…
Thursday, 23 July 2020 00:00

Importance of Hagia Sophia Mosque

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I have always advocated the reopening of the Hagia Sophia Mosque and will continue to do so. The reason for this is very simple and clear. Because Hagia Sophia is the sword right of Sultan Mehmet, the conqueror of Constantinople, and…
Tuesday, 21 July 2020 00:00

Invitation to Friday Prayer in Hagia Sophia

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Dear ASSAM Members and Volunteers, Following the decision of the 10th Department of the Council of State, Hagia Sophia, the symbol of conquest of Istanbul, was opened to worship again as a mosque with the Presidential Decree.
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Do not underestimate July 15! Never underestimate the emphasis of “July 15 was fiction” and see it as an ordinary message.
Thursday, 25 June 2020 00:00

What Does SISI's Threat Mean?

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Egypt's coup plotter General Sisi, one of the supporters of the coup leader Hafter, who was defeated against Libya by Turkey's military support for Libya, sent a message that Egypt, along with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and France, could arrange…
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The formats for Full Text and Abstract for 4th International Congress of ASSAM for Islamic Union are now available online.